
Here you can find a complete list of my publications. Clicking on any of the links below will redirect you to the abstract and details of my contributions to the papers I am not the first author of. A PDF version of my publication list can be downloaded clicking the button below

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Multi-messenger prospects for black hole – neutron star mergers in the O4 and O5 runs

Authors: A. Colombo, R. Duqué, O. S. Salafia, F. S. Broekgaarden, F. Iacovelli, M. Mancarella, I. Andreoni, F. Gabrielli, F. Ragosta, G. Ghirlanda, T. Fragos, A. J. Levan, S. Piranomonte, A. Melandri, B. Giacomazzo and M. Colpi
Published in A&A 686, A265, 2024

We investigate the prospects of observing electromagnetic counterparts to black hole-neutron star mergers detected through gravitational waves during O4 and O5

Adding Gamma-ray Polarimetry to the Multi-Messenger Era

Authors: M. Kole, F. Iacovelli, M. Mancarella, N. Produit
Published in A&A 669, A77, 2023

Prospects of combining γ-ray burst polarization measurements and gravitational-wave observations to extract information on the γ-ray bursts emission model.